Yawning: causes and treatment Circulation and respiration Yawning: causes and treatment

During an important conversation or at a business meeting, you suddenly start to yawn (and often, over and over again) and realize that you cannot control yourself, and in the meantime your ...

Laryngotracheitis in children - symptoms Diagnostics Laryngotracheitis in children - symptoms

Simultaneous damage to the disease of the larynx and upper trachea is called laryngotracheitis. This disease most often affects children, but it also occurs in adults ....

Signs of rickets in infants, treatment, causes, stages of rickets in children How does rickets begin in a baby Blood analysis Signs of rickets in infants, treatment, causes, stages of rickets in children How does rickets begin in a baby

This condition is called rickets and is often very scary for parents. Characteristics of rickets in children Rickets is a curvature of the bones due to a violation of phosphorus-calcium ...

Hair loss: causes and treatment in women Hair loss causes and treatment Circulation Hair loss: causes and treatment in women Hair loss causes and treatment

Daily hair loss is a natural process for a person, if it does not exceed the norm - about 80-120 pieces. According to statistics, men are genetically more ...

If fingers go numb: causes, treatment and prevention What kind of disease is when fingers go numb General symptoms If fingers go numb: causes, treatment and prevention What kind of disease is when fingers go numb

If you have a slight tingling or numbness in your fingers, you need to pay attention to your health condition. Without panicking, you should figure out what ...

Follicles in the ovaries - the norm, the number genitourinary system Follicles in the ovaries - the norm, the number

The follicle is a component of the ovary in which the egg is located, surrounded by a layer of epithelial cells and a double layer of connective tissue. The main function ...

Paraproctitis: treatment without surgery Infusions, teas and fees in treatment Digestion and abdomen Paraproctitis: treatment without surgery Infusions, teas and fees in treatment

Symptoms of the disease Symptoms of paraproctitis can sometimes be confused with many other diseases. A person feels a general intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in ...

Acute Respiratory Disease Poisoning and injury Acute Respiratory Disease

Often, feeling very unwell, the patient goes to the clinic or calls the doctor to the house. The doctor, after a careful examination of the patient and clarification of the symptoms and ...

Candidiasis of the oral cavity with HIV infection Causes of thrush in women, in men Circulation and respiration Candidiasis of the oral cavity with HIV infection Causes of thrush in women, in men

Oral candidiasis is a dysbiotic lesion of the oral mucosa, which develops with abundant reproduction of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, which are an associate of ...

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